Second Car

Our family is looking to purchase an older used car.  The total budget we would like to spend is $5000.  We would get a small car that we could use to get around the city and to also share with Alex, who is attending driving school at this time.  If you would like to give, click on the donate button of send a check with the information below.

Checks can be made to:
Going UP Ministries-America
6186 Broad Stripes Ave
Galloway, OH 43119

Water Supply Upgrade

With 7 people now under one roof, our water supply is being heavily used. We have contacted the city and discovered we have a 1 inch pipe but in reality, it should be a 2 inch pipe coming in. It will cost about $3,000 to have this new pipe installed going from the street to our house. We are able to survive in our current situation, but with the addition of the two girls in the apartment, we can only use just one source at a time and are unable to schedule our usage. If you would like to help with the water pipe project, you can donate by sending a check or using the link below and selecting from the drop-down box: “Water Supply Project”.

Checks can be made to:
Going UP Ministries-America
6186 Broad Stripes Ave
Galloway, OH 43119